This list of high school graduates was taken from the 1922 Anacortes High School Annual. I put 'em in alphabetical order... because I could...Now if only I can get a scanner going.

1916 ABBEY, Fanny..Hawaii; teaching
1921 ABBEY, George..Bellingham Wa; attending Normal
1914 ABBEY, Prudence..Hawaii; teaching
1918 ALLEN, Etta..Anacortes Wa; Mrs. William Mars
1917 ALLEN, Metta..Anacortes WA; Mrs Harry Smith
1915 ANSTENSON, Bertha..Bremerton Wa; stenographer
1913 APENES, Gunnar..Port Stanley WA; lumber business
1917 BEALE, Gertrude..Mount Vernon WA; teaching
1921 BEALE, William..Anacortes WA; at home
1914 BELCH, Alice..Maxee City WA; teaching
1917 BELCH, Keith..Ensign, U. S. Navy
1919 BETTNER, Virgil..Seattle WA; attending U. of W.
1915 BURROUGHS, Horace..Seattle WA; carpenter
1921 BUTLER, Geneva..Whitman WA; attending Whitman College
1914 CARLSON, Arthur..killed in action
1917 CARLYLE, Ruth..Anacortes WA; teaching
1918 CARMEN, Elizabeth..Mansfield WA; married
1913 COLLIER, Robert..Seattle WA; employed in that city
1920 COLLINS, Patience..Los Angles CA; employed in that city
1919 CONKRITE, Lila..Tacoma WA; attending college
1915 CONNOLLY, Orin..Samoa CA; clerical work
1916 COOK, Erving..San Diego CA; at home
1913 COOK, Harry..Fidalgo WA; farming
1915 DAILY, Helena..Anacortes WA; bookkeeper at A.L.& B.
1913 DAILY, Schanz..Anacortes WA; teaching
1920 DAVEY, Blanche..Anacortes WA; employed in Van Horn's store
1914 DAVIS, Elwood..Seattle WA; insturctory in Foster H.S.
1918 DAVIS, Helena..Seattle WA; teaching
1918 DAVIS, Katherine..Sprague Wa; teaching
1912 DAVIS, Madge..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Fred Stafford
1920 DAVIS, Ruth..Bellingham Wa; attending state normal
1921 DEUTCH, Clara..Anacortes WA; at home
1918 DODGE, Maxine..Anacortes WA; manager of Dodge's Music store
1916 DORCY, Ida..Seattle WA; in training at Providence hospital
1921 DORCY, Marjory..Bellingham WA; attending Normal
1914 DORCY, Molly..Seattle WA; stenographer
1917 EDENS, Violet..Bellingham WA; Mrs Ray Meeks
1921 EDWALD, Odessa..attending Smith Business College
1917 ELLISON, Fred..Anacortes WA; employed at Old Oregon Mill
1919 ERHOLM, Wallace..Anacortes WA; Anacortes Steam Laundry
1916 ERICKSON, William..Seattle Wa; U. of W.
1921 ERVINE, Kathleen..Bellingham WA; attending Normal
1921 FARLEY, Amy..Bellingham WA; attending Normal
1921 FENNO, Bernice..Wenatchee WA; Mrs. Garton
1915 FENNO, Eric..Anacortes WA; employed at Morrison Mill
1917 FINNEGAN, Pat..Seattle WA; attending U. of W.
1913 FORREST, Ermine..St. Johns WA; Mrs. Herbert Wagner
1917 FRY, Don..Seattle Wa; attending U. Of W.
1913 FRY, Irene..Idaho; Mrs John Richards; Berkley CA
1919 FULK, Wanda..Mount Vernon WA; at home
1921 FULTON, Blanche..Pullman WA; attending College
1919 FULTON, Norman..Pullman WA;a attending college
1921 GEORGE, Miller..Pullman WA; attending College
1915 GLENN, Jim..PortAngeles WA; foreman of local mill
1915 GLENN, Tom..Everett WA
1915 GOODWIN, Harold..Webster KS; attending college
1919 GRAHAM, Gladys..Anacortes WA; Mrs. George Smith
1918 HAMILTON, Blanche..Corvallis, OR; attending O.A.C.
1918 HANSEN, Helen..Dewey WA; at home
1913 HARTMAN, Elsie..Yakima WA; teaching
1921 JACOBUS, Bernard..Bellingham WA; attending Normal
1916 JACOBUS, Jenny..Seattle Wa; stenographer
1921 JACOBUS, Mary..Bellingham WA; attending Normal
1918 JEFFRIES, Emma..Anacortes Wa; at home
1919 JOBES, James..Illinois; traveling salesman
1913 JOHNS, Grace..Bellingham WA; teaching
1913 JOINER, Anna..Sedro Woolley, WA; Mrs. Quinby Bingham
1918 JORDAN, Marie..Seattle WA; stenographer
1921 KASCH, Mary..Seattle WA; attending Holy Name Academy
1918 KAWAZOE, Misao..Seattle Wa; employed in that city
1918 KAWAZOE, Nuri..Seattle WA; employed in that city
1913 KNAPP, Robert..Anacortes Wa; Deputy Engineer of Skagit Co.
1920 KNAPP, Worth..Anacortes WA; at home
1921 LAING, Ralph..Anacortes WA; attending A. H. S.
1919 LANCASTER, Clifford..employed on tug boat "Sound".
1916 LARIMORE, Edward..Port Angeles WA; manager of Standard Oil Co there
1918 LATIMER, Dorothy..Seattle WA; Mrs. Fry
1915 LENNING, Charles..Anacortes WA; employed Anacortes Ice Co.
1918 LENNING, Julia..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Alfred Rydberg
1915 LIFVENDAHL, Edith..Seattle WA; employed in that city
1918 LIFVENDAHL, Esther..Seattle WA; stenographer
1911 LIFVENDAHL, Gunnar..Bellingham WA; foreman in local mill
1919 LORENSTON, Peder..Seattle WA; employed in that city
1919 LORENSTON, Trygve..Anacortes WA; at home
v 1916 LOWMAN, Guy B...Anacortes WA; employed at the Coast Fish Co
1921 LOWMAN, Tyne..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Al Tietjen
1919 LOWMAN, Willa..Bellingham Wa; attending Normal
1919 LUNDBERG, Florence..Anacortes WA; employed at Phillips'.
1918 LUNDBERG, Rose..Seattle WA; Mrs. A. A. Helgren
1918 MAGILL, Harlow..Guemes Island; farming
1914 MATHESON, Catherine..Fife WA; teaching
1919 MATTICE, Menzo..Seattle WA; attending U. of W.
1918 McCALLUM, Dorothy..Anacortes Wa; employed at J. C. Leadbetter's
1921 McCOMAS, Stanley..Bellingham WA; attending Normal
1918 McFADDEN, Lillian..Anacortes, WA; Mrs. Henry Steadman
1918 MEANS, Hazel..Tacoma WA; Mrs. Ray Tarte
1917 MEANS, Irl..Cordova Alaska; employed in that city
1919 MESFORD, Adella..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Ed Smith
1918 MITCHELL, Ruth..Seattle Wa; training at Providence hospital
1917 MITCHELL, Teresa..deceased
1921 MONGAN, Ila..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Wolfe
1913 MOORE, Alice..Pomeroy, WA; Mrs John Brokaw
1917 MOORE, Mildred..Anacortes Wa; Mrs Howard Wakefield
1915 MOORE, Nellie..Pomeroy Wa; Mrs. Rinehart
1913 MOORE, Rita..Anacortes WA
1920 MORRISON, Alene..Seattle Wa; U. Of W.
1911 MOUNT, Kathleen..Portland, Oregon: married
1913 MOUNT, Nat..Burlington WA; insturctor of manual training
1912 MUNKS, Gerald..Fidalgo; farming
1921 NEELY, Claude..Eugene OR; attending college
1920 NEELY, Grace..Portland, Oregon; attending school
1921 NEELY, Virgil..Spokane WA; attending Whitworth
1921 NEELY, Zena..Anacortes WA; employed at Bank of Commerce
1917 NICHOLSON, Elbert..Anacortes WA; Morrison Mill
1913 NICHOLSON, Ira..Pullman WA; WSU
1918 O'DAY, Gladys..Seattle WA; attending business college
1921 OKERLUND, Garland..Anacortes WA; at home
1919 OKERLUND, Gladys..Anacortes WA; at home
1921 OKERLUND, Josephine..Anacortes WA; at home
1920 OLSON, Alfild..Anacortes WA; Pacific Telephone Company.
1920 OLSON, Alfred..Anacortes WA; at home
1916 PARCHMAN, Alice..Hoquiam WA; teaching
1920 PHILLIPS, Thelma..Dewey WA; teaching
1914 POLIS, Marion..Anacortes WA; teaching
1920 PUSEY, Richard..Anacortes WA; employed in Phillips' store
1917 RADEMACHER, Phyllis..Portland, OR; dressmaking
1917 RAIRDON, Paul..Bellingham WA; attending Normal
1920 REICHERT, Alice..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Frank McCormack
1917 ROBINSON, Annabel..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Todd
1920 ROSE, Virgil..Anacortes WA; assistant manager of Empire Theatre
1918 RUTHERFORD, Charles..Anacortes WA' employed in Bank of Commerce
1918 RYDBERG, Evelyn..Seattle Wa; employed in that city
1913 RYDBERG, Freda..Seattle WA; Mrs. J. W. Lipke
1915 SAHLIN, Edith..Anacortes WA; Mrs. Guy B. Lowman
1917 SAHLIN, Rose..Seattle WA
1920 SHAFER, Donald..Seattle WA; employed in that city
1921 SHANNON, George..Pullman WA; attending College
1918 SHANNON, Margaret..Marysville WA; teaching
1916 SHAW, Edgar..employed in Alaska
1918 SHAW, Ted..Port Walter, Alaska; employed in a cannery
1918 SHERBY, Esther..Seattle Wa: employed in that city
1913 SINGLE, Dr. Harry..San Diego, CA; government dentristry
1912 SMITH, Alvero..New York City; engineering
1913 SMITH, Earl..Seattle WA; chemist
1919 SMITH, Harold..Seattle WA; attending U. of W.
1915 SMITH, Winifred..Dewey WA; Mrs. Hansen
1919 SPRADLEY, Francis..San Jose CA; attending college
1917 STEFFENS, Alma..Anacortes WA; Mrs. E. Leadbetter
1916 STEVENSON, Lee..Anacortes WA; instructor in A.H.S.
1918 STEWART, Marie..Bellingham Wa; in training at St. Luke's
1918 STITT, Clare..Sedro-Woolley Wa; Mrs. Roy Hutton
1918 STRAW, Madge..Tacoma WA; employed in that city
1921 STRAWSER, Ruth..Anacortes Wa; employed Barney's Law Office
1919 SUNDEEN, Helen..Hamilton Wa; teaching
1916 SUTHERLAND, Aunice..Seattle WA; attending business college
1917 TAGGERT, Clare..Seattle WA; Mrs. J. Colgan
1913 TEMPLE, Courtland..California; wholesale business
1914 TEMPLE, Thelma..California; at home
1917 WESTBROOK, John..Pullman Wa; attending Pullman
1919 WHITE, Marie..Seattle WA: attending U. of W.
1920 WHITE, Ted..Annapolis, MD; attending Naval Academy
1917 WHITMORE, Doris..Seattle WA; married
1915 WIESE, Bernadine..Anacortes Wa; music instructor
1921 WOLBERG, Leva..attending business college
1919 WOODBURN, Hilda..Cashmere WA; teaching

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This page was updated: 25 Jul 1998